
Using the Combi-Deal Service

Hero Imgs Start

Order Screen

Here you can activate the Combi-Deal functionality.

  • Active: Make sure the sync order is active.
  • EAN Field: This is the EAN number that Shop-2-Api will retrieve (Either by Product/Metadata)
  • Combi EAN Field: This is the EAN Numbers that will link up the EAN numbers, for example if there is 3 products in your Combi, all 3 products will have the same EAN number under this field.


Installing Installing

Test Data

I captured on WC two products with the same EAN under the Combi EAN Number

  • Below you can see the result after the order has been synced.
  • There is 2 products which has been split up by the Combi Service.
  • Then there is another product which was not a combi that imported as 1 row.